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Hello and Welcome.

I'm Dr Dermot Casey.

I am a professionally qualified psychotherapist, with a BSc in Psychology, an MSc in Counselling Psychology and a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology.   

My main focuses are: 


  • Building resilience in people.

  • Working with people to enhance their self-esteem and relationship with themselves.   

  • Working with Professional Carers to facilitate better self-care.

Dr Dermot Casey Psychotherapist
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About me.

Before I became a Psychologist, I worked in corporate business, for 20 years. As I travelled the world in that role, the experience taught me a lot about people and different cultures. I noticed the differences in people and the different ways we behave depending on the setting.

I also learned how big companies and services can be so difficult to work in e.g. cultural and personality differences and the politics, both local and at an international level in the company that you work for.  I saw and felt, first hand, the stresses of work and being part of fast-moving competitive teams.

At home I'm a family man and have always believed that our family (or those close to us) are very often the place from where we can draw great strength.

Being a father has taught me how hard it is to be a parent, while being a partner has shown me how much work is involved in maintaining relationships.

Our professional and private lives can sometimes feel like a stormy day on a beach where the waves are constantly pounding us.  It can be relentless.

We find ways to deal with these challenges, however, at times we all need support, no matter who you are.  I believe that reaching out for support is a strength that we all need to nurture throughout our lives.

I'm here if you feel you'd like to talk about your particular difficulties. The longest journey, starts with the first small step.


Maybe it's time to take that step.

I look forward to welcoming you.

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What my clients say.

Dermot always made me feel comfortable and in fact I eventually looked forward to our weekly sessions, which I thought I would never say!

Working with someone that is understanding and compassionate makes such a big difference and I feel I am well on the way to recovery.

- Alan -

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